The most dangerous diseases in vines are:
- MANA (Plasmopara viticola) - is caused by a fungus that attacks all organs of the vine: leaves, young shoots, bunches, clusters, inflorescences, flowers, grape berries and currants. Signs of the attack are observed on the upper part of the leaves where yellowish spots appear, and on the lower part where a whitish down appears. The attack on the bunches will cause the grapes not to accumulate enough sugars resulting in a lower quality wine. The attacked bunches remain small and the berries shrivel and fall off easily.
- FUFFINING (Uncinula necator) - is caused by a fungus that attacks all the organs of the plant on which a white-gray, floury down appears. The flowers abort, the young grapes turn brown and fall, the berries split open to reveal the seeds, and the wines made from grapes attacked by the disease are of poor quality.
- Botrytis cinerea (Botrytis cinerea) - yellowish spots turn reddish with powdery mildew on leaves, brown or grayish spots appear on shoots, small spots with soft tissue appear on berries and quickly enlarge, berries soften, crack, shrivel and become covered with abundant grayish-brown, powdery mildew.
The most dangerous pests of grapevines are:
- GALICOLLACAR Spider - is a particularly dangerous spider to vines. Signs of attack appear in the spring after bud break when the spider colonizes the undersides of leaves, stings and feeds on cell juice, multiplying rapidly. The attack spreads to shoots and inflorescences, resulting in flower abortion and decreased production.
- LIVING WORTWORT - has 2-3 generations per year and overwinters under the bark of stumps and twigs. Signs of attack are evidenced by the presence of larvae and silk on the cluster, under the bark of stumps, or older stalks that are exfoliating. Larvae appear in June and feed on the flower buds and young berries. The strongest attack occurs in July and August when they bore holes in the berries and consume the pulp, allowing rot to set in.
- STRUFFLE GRAPEPEVY - adults feed on the juice of sweet, ripe and overripe grapes, causing damage to up to 90% of the crop. They attack all grape varieties starting with early and medium-ripening varieties, and ending with late over-ripening varieties. Apart from direct damage, the fruit, once punctured, is easily infected with rot.
In order to control diseases and pests, we recommend that you follow the treatment regimen. The packages are easy to use and provide total protection.
For rich harvests, also use the fertilizers recommended in the scheme, by vegetation phase.
These are commercial packages. Products can be applied together or separately. The package is to be used on vines when they are in the appropriate vegetative phenophase.