Challenge 600 SC is approved for the control of dicotyledonous annual weeds and some monocotyledonous annual weeds. The active substance aclonifen acts on weeds by inhibiting two enzymes involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll and carotenoids. Uptake of the active substance is via coleoptile, hypocotyl, cotyledons and leaves when weeds are sprouting at the time of application. The efficacy of the active substance aclonifen is ensured by the persistence of the product, which varies between 1.5 - 2.5 months, depending on climatic conditions and soil type.
No. of treatments on all crops: 1 treatment per year/crop. Water volume on all crops: 200-400 L/ha.
Control spectrum: stem (Amaranthus spp.), oilseed rape (Brassica napus), cowpea (Capsella bursa-pastoris), wild spinach (Chenopodium album), smokeroot (Fumaria officinalis), turmeric (Galium aparine), stinkweed (Lamium purpureum), chamomile (Matricaria spp.), creeping bent (Mercurialis annua), wild poppy (Papaver rhoeas), troscot (Polygonum aviculare), climbing buckwheat (Polygonum convolvulus), frog pepper (Polygonum persicaria), wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum), wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis), rocoine (Stellaria media), sushi (Sonchus asper), ventriloquism (Veronica spp.), three spotted fritillary (Viola arvensis) and some monocotyledonous weeds such as foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides), meisure (Digitaria sanguinalis), beard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli).
Restrictions:Do not exceed recommended dose. Do not apply the treatment on very hot days with strong sunshine, but only in the morning after dew-drying the plants or towards evening. Do not treat if negative temperatures are expected at night. During treatment avoid dispersion of the solution on neighbouring crops. NOT herbicide when wind speed exceeds 5 m/s to avoid drift of solution on neighbouring crops.
* Caution! For sandy soils or when heavy rains are announced after sowing, it is recommended to apply Challenge 600 SC herbicide post-emergence to bulb onion, shallot and seed onion crops in 2 stages: 1 L/ha and, about 10 days later, the second treatment with 1.5 L/ha and no later than 2 maximum 4 true leaves.
Break time to harvest: onion, shallot, celery, fennel, lovage, dill, Jerusalem artichoke - 90 days, carrot and parsnip - 70 days.