Previcur Energy has a complex mechanism of action. Aluminium fosetyl has complete systemicity and upward and downward distribution in plants, protecting mainly new growth. It has a preventive action, inhibiting spore germination and mycelial development. At the same time, it has a particular and unique mode of action, stimulating the plant's self-defence system. Propamocarb hydrochloride also has systemic activity. When applied to the soil, propamocarb is taken up by the roots and distributed to the plant. For foliar treatments, it penetrates into the leaves and is distributed acropetally, being taken up into the plant within one hour of application. It has a multi-site preventive action on fungi. Plants treated with Previcur Energy are more vigorous due to the special development of the root system.
It is used at a concentration of 0.15% (1.5 L/ha). Carry out 1-2 preventive foliar treatments, starting with the formation of the first fruit. Crop protection duration is 10-12 days after application. Solution volume is 1000 L/ha.
Use at 0.1% concentration to control seedling drop and seedling blight. Treatments are carried out on the ground in the nursery. The first treatment is carried out in the sowing-harrowing interval and requires a solution volume of 3 L/sqm. The second treatment is carried out no later than one week before transplanting, at the same concentration and solution volume as the first treatment.
Green melons
A soil treatment of 250 ml solution/plant is applied immediately after sowing, which can be followed by a second one after 7-10 days at the same rate.
Break time to harvest: 3 days on all crops.
Interval between treatments: 7 - 10 days all crops
Maximum number of treatments: 2, valid on all crops