metazaclor • Producer: ADAMA Agan Ltd



Dicotyledonous annual weeds Dicotyledonous perennial weeds Annual monocotyledonous weeds Monocotyledonous perennial weeds Weeds - Annual weeds Weeds - Annual monocots Weeds - Perennial monocots Weeds - Perennial weeds
Crop Dose Conditions Details
Strawberries in fruit0,5L / haDicotyledonous annual weeds, Dicotyledonous perennial weeds, Annual monocotyledonous weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Strawberries in fruit1,5L / haMonocotyledonous perennial weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Autumn cauliflower1,5L / haDicotyledonous annual weeds, Dicotyledonous perennial weeds, Annual monocotyledonous weeds, Monocotyledonous perennial weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Mustard1,5L / haDicotyledonous annual weeds, Dicotyledonous perennial weeds, Annual monocotyledonous weeds, Monocotyledonous perennial weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Rape1,2 - 1,6L / haDicotyledonous annual weeds, Annual monocotyledonous weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Rape1,6 - 2L / haDicotyledonous perennial weeds, Monocotyledonous perennial weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Strawberry stoloniere0,5L / haDicotyledonous annual weeds, Dicotyledonous perennial weeds, Annual monocotyledonous weeds, Monocotyledonous perennial weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence
Cabbage1,5L / haDicotyledonous annual weeds, Dicotyledonous perennial weeds, Annual monocotyledonous weeds, Monocotyledonous perennial weedsapply both preemergence and early postemergence

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