300 g/ L clopiralid • Producer: CIECH SARZYNA SA



The Blue Star Crossword Smoke Red grass Chamomile Pălămida Rosemary Zârna Weeds - Annual weeds
Crop Dose Conditions Details
Wheat0,3 - 0,4L / ha apply post-emergent in spring as follows: crop - early to late tillering; weeds - as young as possible from cotyledon to rosette stage
Rape0,3 - 0,4L / ha apply post-emergent in spring as follows: crop - from the time the crop starts to flower until flower buds appear; weeds - as young as possible from cotyledon to rosette stage
Sugar Beet0,3L / haapply post-emergent as follows: crop - 2-4 leaves; weeds - as young as possible from cotyledon to rosette stage

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